Our 360 Training Offer
At Psychology 360, we have experience of delivering a wide range of training packages to schools and educational settings. All training is underpinned by educational psychology theory, research and practice.
At Psychology 360, we currently offer three main training packages:
Direct Instruction and Precision Teaching
Emotion Coaching
To find out more about these packages, please select the relevant link: ELSA, Direct Instruction and Precision Teaching, and Emotion Coaching.
Please contact us for further information.
We are also able to offer bespoke training packages for educational settings, tailored to meet specific needs. For example, in the areas of:
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Bereavement, Loss and Separation
Building Resilience for Learning
Cognitive Behavioural Approaches
Managing Challenging Behaviour
Managing Emotions
Promoting Social Skills and Positive Peer Relationships
Selective Mutism
Therapeutic Stories
Please contact us to discuss your bespoke training requirements.