

How we can support you


As experienced Educational Psychologists, we bring knowledge and experience of working with a range of educational settings and special educational needs. We use a ‘360 model’ to consider a range of information and perspectives to understand problem situations, enabling us to work with you in applying psychology to bring positive change for your school, pupils and families.

Collaborative conversations, openness, and a strengths-based approach underpin our work, and sit at the heart of everything we do.

We will work closely with you to problem solve and unpick complex and challenging situations, developing a shared understanding and agreeing the best way forward.

We work at a range of different levels to support your children, young people, educational staff and families. We bring psychological knowledge and expertise, applying psychology within your educational setting to bring a fresh perspective. Our involvement is flexible depending on purpose and always negotiated with you.

We are able to support schools in reviewing and revisiting as part of a graduated response.


What does our Educational Psychology offer include?


As Educational Psychologists, we are able to offer consultation, assessment, intervention, training and research.

We provide a written record of our involvement which captures the shared understanding and includes collaboratively agreed actions and next steps.

In your school, direct contact time might include:

Working at an individual level

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Support for individual staff may include:

  • ‘Drop in’ consultations to discuss concerns and jointly problem solve.

  • Coaching and mentoring.

  • ELSA training and supervision.

Individual work focused on a specific child or young person may include:

  • Observation.

  • Gathering pupil voice e.g. using Personal Construct Psychology.

  • Dynamic assessment.

  • Play based assessment.

  • Solution focused work.

  • Motivational Interviewing.

  • ASD pathway involvement.

  • Standardised assessment.

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Working at a group level

This may include:

  • Solution Circles.

  • Circle of Adults.

  • PATH (Planning Alternative Tomorrows with Hope).

  • Group consultations with parents/carers and staff (teaching and non teaching).

  • Workshops for parents/carers.

  • Group interventions for children and young people e.g. Cognitive Behavioural approaches, Circle of Friends, Lego Therapy etc.

working at a whole school level

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We can support you to develop learning and behaviour across the whole school. This may include:

  • Training on a wide range of topics e.g. Emotion Coaching, Precision Teaching and Direct Instruction, Understanding and Managing Anxiety etc.

  • Supporting staff wellbeing and resilience.

  • Supporting policy development e.g. moving to a regulation and relationships based behaviour policy.

  • Staff wellbeing and resilience.

  • Developing whole school learning strategies, analysing and monitoring intervention effectiveness.

To find out more about requesting an SLA with Psychology 360, please click here.